
Eat Your Words

Politics for the Hungry February 2, 2013

Filed under: Assignments — marissachinn @ 2:57 am

It is hard to know what to believe with so much contradicting information out there.

“Everything is good in moderation” says my dad.

“People say a little bit isn’t bad for you, but it really is” says my friend.

Who are you supposed to believe? There will always be someone out there who has the opposite view as you. I try to eat organic as much as possible, but it adds up. I also believe in supporting local farms by shopping at farmers markets, but I don’t always have the time to drive the extra 20 minutes. It takes initiative and commitment to live by your values.

I have many close people in my life who are strict vegans, vegetarians, and even one friend who doesn’t eat fat, oil, dairy, or meat. It seems obsessive to me, and unnecessary. I understand the current corruption of the meat industry, but I personally don’t believe that going cold turkey, no pun intended, is the answer. In addition, my philosophy is that life is short, so why deprive myself of something delicious. However, because of the issues with the meat industry I have cut back on the amount of meat that I consume, but to give it all up seems like more of a punishment for me than the harm it would do to the meat companies.

Bottom line is that I believe you should do what you value. Just because your best friend is an activist promoting a vegan lifestyle, doesn’t mean you have to follow, trust me.